Australian Inflammatory Bowel Disease Study

Researchers within the Sydney+ IBD Research Consortia and the Microbiome Research Centre, UNSW Sydney are inviting people with IBD, their family members and the general population to learn about the changes in the human microbiome.

What is the microbiome?

The microbiome is the population of microbes occupying various sites within our bodies, and it is already known to play a major role in diseases such as IBD. If we can understand how the microbiome changes through the course of IBD development and treatment, then we have the potential to positively change health outcomes for future generations.

How to participate

Click the join the study link below, complete the short survey and a member or our team will get in touch with the next steps.

The study might be a good fit for you if:

  • Aged 6-80 years
  • Have IBD, have a family member with IBD or do not have IBD
  • Be willing to follow protocol requirements
  • Be willing to provide written informed consent
  • Be available to participate over 24 months

Unfortunately you will not be able to volunteer for this study if:

  • You have taken antibiotics in the last 3 months
  • You are currently pregnant
  • You require interpreter services for usual care or to understand the study information

What would happen if I took part in the research study?

If you decide to take part you would:

  • Give samples and answer questionnaires every 3 months over two years
  • Be available for the duration of the study, which is 24 months
  • Willing to provide height, weight, medical history, lifestyle and dietary assessment Willing to provide multi-site microbiome sampling (including oral, stool samples and blood tests)

    Frequently asked questions

    Would I be paid to take part in the research study?

    There are no costs to participate in this study, and you will not be paid to participate.

    Who do I contact if I want more information or want to take part in the study?

    If you would like more information or are interested in being part of the study please contact the AIM Study Co-ordinator.


    Phone: 02 9113 1855


    This study has been Approved by the South Eastern Sydney LHD Research Ethics Committee HREC approval number:  2019/ETH11344

    This study is registered on the ANZCTR, ACTRN12619000911190.

    Additionally, the following sites are approved recruitment hospitals.